Then safari will ask you to download the video or photo, hit the button Your video would be ready now, hit the download button.

Hit the download button now and the servers will fetch the Instagram video Go to Safari and open the Instagram video downloader, then paste the video link there.Now click on the three dots above the video and choose “copy link” Open the Instagram application on your phone and go to the video you want.Here is how you can download Instagram videos on iPhone: But they don’t have to worry about being able to download Instagram videos. IPhone users go through enough trouble already when it comes to downloading or saving content from the web. How to Download Instagram Videos on iPhone Then right-click again and select “save video as”. Now simply paste this link into a new tab and the video shall start playing.Here, you need to copy the link next to “src”’ The search will open up a section of code.Now press Crtl+F keys to open the “Find” icon and type in “.mp4”.It can also be “View page source” on your browser.