In the new version there are new commands for working with sounds, strings, added the ability to display the text without the use of external files (.gxt.

Fixed a problem with variable 0AB1, which was determined incorrectly in missions ĬLEO v4.3.20 adds to the game 100 new scripting commands that allow working with external files, to change the data in the memory game, cause the gaming functions with different parameters, and much more. Recent changes in the new version 4.3.19-20: The release of the new version CLEO 4.3.20 took place on.

This is the latest version of the libraries CLEO at the moment - on.

Android,1,Angry Birds,4,Aplikasi Gaming,5,Clash of Clans,31,CLEO Mod,6,COC Single Player Mode,19,Daftar Hero LostSaga,2,Daftar Item Point Blank,1,Daftar Kendaraan GTA SA,8,Daftar Misi GTA SA,23,Daftar Normal Gear LostSaga,2,Daftar Rare Gear LostSaga,3,Daftar Senjata GTA SA,41,Daftar Senjata GTA VC,1,Daftar Senjata Point Blank,2,Daftar Senjata Point Blank Point,1,Daftar Unique Gear LostSaga,1,Demarest Pillager,2,Download,79,Download Efek Suara,2,Download Musik,2,Druid Set,1,Facebook Games,1,Final Fantasy,1,Game Online,1,Game Sound Effects,4,Gaming News,1,Gear Design LostSaga,2,Gemscool,1,GTA III,3,GTA IV,4,GTA SA Asset,1,GTA SA Bonus,1,GTA SA Cheat,4,GTA SA Collectibles,1,GTA SA Control Center,4,GTA SA Courier Missions,3,GTA SA Export Import,4,GTA SA Gang War,2,GTA SA Girlfriend,8,GTA SA Glitch,9,GTA SA Icons,43,GTA SA Map,57,GTA SA Master Save Game,9,GTA SA Missions,53,GTA SA Mod,20,GTA SA Mod Garages,3,GTA SA Reward,8,GTA SA Screenshots,3,GTA SA Secret,4,GTA SA Side Mission Map,10,GTA SA Side Missions,24,GTA SA Stats,1,GTA SA Trick,4,GTA SA Trucking,1,GTA SA Videos,5,GTA San Andreas,159,GTA San Andreas Properties & Assets,7,GTA Vice City,7,Hero Mobile Legends,1,Karakter GTA SA,15,Kosakata Mobile Legends,1,Kumpulan Base COC,11,Las Venturas,3,Lokasi Kendaraan GTA SA,8,Lokasi Senjata GTA SA,40,Lokasi Senjata GTA VC,4,Lokasi Tempat GTA SA,3,Los Santos,17,Los Santos Part 2,2,LostSaga,117,LostSaga Audio,2,LostSaga Bingo,1,LostSaga Chat,3,LostSaga Hero Evolution,43,LostSaga Hero Evolution A-Z,1,LostSaga Hero Permanen,2,LostSaga Hero Update,2,LostSaga Heroes List,1,LostSaga Rare Gear Evolution,52,LostSaga Rare Gear Evolution A-Z,1,LostSaga Rare Item Update,1,LostSaga Season 5,1,LostSaga Update,101,LostSaga Video,1,LostSaga Web Shop,1,Macam-Macam Senjata PB,4,Makro LostSaga,2,Mission Card PB,10,Mobile Legends,8,Pasukan Travian,6,Point Blank,358,Point Blank Event Update,1,Point Blank Evolution,2,Point Blank Title,3,Point Blank Update,11,Point Blank Weapon Update,326,Pokemon,2,Puzzle,2,Request,5,Review Game,27,Review Konsol Game,2,Review Skill Gear Lost Saga,1,Review Skill Hero Lost Saga,2,San Fierro,17,Senjata Point Blank A-Z,3,Seri 4Game,2,Seri Anniversary,4,Seri Argentina,1,Seri B.O.CLEO v4.3.20 for GTA San Andreas.